The need to insert someone new into our organization often comes with two main and conflicting emotions: excitement and fear. In fact, it is a symptom of growth and this can be frightening; moreover, inserting a new person in the work team always involves an additional complexity and the awareness that resources must necessarily be invested in it. This, however, should not make us hesitate or make hasty decisions. Complexities can be managed correctly, both in the research and in the insertion phase. Let's see how.
The first thing to do is to understand well what we are looking for: it is not enough to know the role, broadly speaking, that the person should fulfill, but it is necessary to outline in detail what our expectations are towards him, and the level of expertise we are looking for.
This will lead to the definition of the most suitable channel for conducting the research: LinkedIn, for example, is very useful for qualified figures and above all for certain specific sectors, while, for figures drawn from different fields (catering, transport, etc ...) ads on Facebook, temporary agencies or, simply, word of mouth seems to be more effective (obviously this last method is recommended in contained researches).
Once the "ideal" candidate has been identified, we can proceed with the interview phase. It is important to keep in mind what our expectations are towards him and the real tasks he will then have to perform and make them meet halfway. Starting a selection process following only one's expectations, in fact, can be misleading and frustrating for both parties, so it is necessary to rely on facts and real needs, so as not to go astray. On the other hand, selecting a candidate just because it fits our needs in terms of tasks, skills and professional abilities, might shift the focus on the technical and practical aspects alone, while the personality side is also important and key for a successful research.
During the interview it is important to test hard skills and soft skills, as they both are a fundamental part of a professional profile. Knowing that, finding someone who fulfills all our needs and expectations can be quite a long process, but keep in mind that reaching out with professionals is never wasted time: it can help us to figure out better and clearer what we’re really looking for and it allows us to build a network of people that can really improve our job and our company one day.
Finally, always remember that a candidate is not someone who only has duties, but also rights, needs and expectations that we, as a company, must fulfill. Whether he’s going to be the “right one” or not, it’s a person we’re talking about, and that supposes a certain kind of kindness and comprehension, the same amount that we expect from others.